Learning made leisure.

Full Memory Guides for all 4 Cycles
Now available for download to All-Access Members
24 weeks of memory work across nine subjects plus a "Beauty Corner" featuring art, music, and poetry.
Our downloadable guide contains weekly memory work for the following subjects: Timeline, History, Geography, Math, Science, Latin, English Grammar, Spelling, and Scripture.
Beauty Corner: 24 weeks of picture study, poetry recitation, composer study, and church hymns

Click to view sample pages
What is Scholé Songs?
Scholé Songs is a subscription-based service of memory work with educational songs (with visuals) to help parents, families, and educators teach content in a fun and engaging way. Our members have exclusive use of our content to use in the manner that best suits them: individually, in community, or in the classroom.
View our sample songs below.

Notes from the Scholé Song Lady