Happy New Year Scholé Songs community!
I've been working hard to bump up the release dates for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. I want all of you to have the peace of mind of knowing that the content will be there for you when you need it... or the flexibility to use whichever cycle best corresponds to the history you are studying in any given year. That said... Look for Cycle 2 to drop this Spring (2025). It has been written and is going through final edits.
I'm very excited to get back into the studio to start producing music again as soon as all of the written resources are finished. I felt like I needed to prioritize having these available for our community and for schools/co-ops that are looking at our materials.
I've also re-imagined how to display the Cycle 1 weekly content online for the All-Access members who do not have printed copies (or who need to pull it up because you are reviewing memory on the go). I think it will make it easier to view on mobile devices. As always, PDFs are available for download for you to print or view on your devices. You can print the guide yourself, or order a beautiful color copy from us.
What's in Cycle 1? I'm glad you asked!

Cycle 1: Memory Work Overview
Timeline: All four Timeline Songs
History: Sentences to expound on events from the first Timeline Song: Ancient Times
Geography: Continents & Oceans, The Ancient World (Fertile Crescent), Middle East (Modern Countries), and Africa (Countries)
Math: Skip Counting 2-12, 15; Geometric Properties and formulas
Science: Chemistry & Earth Science
Scripture: Law & Prophets
Latin: Verb Endings, Irregular verbs sum, esse & eo, ire; Prepositions that pair with the Ablative Case
English Grammar: 8 Parts of Speech
Spelling: Rules 1-15

Cycle 1: Beauty Corner Overview
Picture Studies by Artists: Jan van Eyck, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Raphael, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Diego Velázquez, Rembrandt van Rijn
Music Listening by Renaissance and Baroque Composers: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi, George Frideric Handel, Henry Purcell, Antonio Vivaldi, Robert Schumann, Johann Sebastian Bach
Poetry: Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Robert Louis Stevenson
Church Hymns: All Creatures of Our God & King; My Jesus, I Love Thee; Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing; O Come, O Come Emmanuel; A Mighty Fortress is Our God, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name; Old Rugged Cross, Amazing Grace
If some of these look familiar, it's because Math, Latin, English Grammar, and Spelling are on a two-year cycle. These items will be identical in Cycles 1 & 3 and Cycles 2 & 4. Of course, Timeline Songs repeat every year, regardless of the cycle.
Here's a current (December 2024) snapshot of which weeks in Cycle 1 already have songs available. (See our Updated Content page for up to date graphics)

As always, all resources are available for downloading and streaming for our All-Access Members. Use the coupon code NEWCYCLE now through 2/28/2025 for 40% off an All Access subscription plan.
Blessings to you and yours in 2025!