Are we there yet?
An Updated Content List
Note: Cycles 1, 3 & 4 are currently available for download for All-Access Members. Cycle 2 will be released in Spring 2025.
What is our long term vision? We will have 4 memory cycles worth of memory songs/chants for the following subjects: Timeline, Scripture, History, Geography, Math, English Grammar, Spelling, Science, and Latin. Each cycle will be 24 weeks long to allow a relaxed pace through a typical 36 week school year. Timeline and the first 12 weeks of Math Songs will repeat in every cycle. The second 12 weeks of Math will alternate in a two-year cycle, along with English Grammar, Spelling Rules, and Latin. History, Geography, Science, and Scripture will have 4 different cycles. Poetry selections will also be provided for each cycle, but they will not be set to music. An annual subscription gives a user access to all of our resources. They will be able to use one of our pre-planned memory cycles, or put one together for themselves based on their own learning goals for that year. Videos and songs will always be ad-free so that parents can have their children on our website without other content being a distraction.
Why did we start with Cycle 3? When possible, we want memory cycle content to complement its corresponding Timeline Song. It just worked out that the Geography and Scripture Songs that we started with fit with Cycle 3 the best. Since it is the closest one to being finished, we are prioritizing producing songs that will complete that cycle. We decided to go ahead and release the memory guide because of course, it is not necessary to have a song for every single piece of information. Across all cycles, History Songs will probably be the last songs that we produce. In my experience, those are the songs that have been used the least in subsequent years as my own children have progressed through Logic and Rhetoric stages.
We have pressed pause on releasing new songs until all of the memory work material is set and available to our members. Want a sneak peak of our plan? Green means that it's currently available. Grey means that no song is planned. White means that we are working on it. PDF available here.

Cycle 1
Full Timeline Song
History: 24 Sentences expounding on events in our first Timeline Song (I. Ancient Times)
Geography: Continents, Oceans, Middle East
Math: Skip Counting, Geometry Formulas
Science: Biology
English: Eight Parts of Speech
Spelling: Rules 1-15
Latin: Verb Endings, Irregular Verbs, Prepositions (that pair with Ablative case)
Scripture: The Law & Prophets
Poetry: Alfred Lord Tennyson & Robert Louis Stevenson

Cycle 2
Full Timeline Song
History: 24 Sentences expounding on events in our second Timeline Song (II Early Church History)
Geography: Europe & Africa
Math: Skip Counting, Measurement
Science: Chemistry, Earth Science
English: Sentences, Nouns, Verbs
Spelling: Rules 16-36
Latin: Nouns, Noun Endings, Vocabulary, The Lord's Prayer
Scripture: Psalms
Poetry: William Blake & Rudyard Kipling
Cycle 3
Full Timeline Song
History: 24 Sentences expounding on events in our 3rd Timeline Song (III. Exploration & Early America)
Geography: United States, North America, South America
Math: Skip Counting, Geometry
English: Eight Parts of Speech
Spelling: Rules 1-15
Latin: Verb Endings, Irregular Verbs,
Prepositions (Ablative)
Science: Astronomy, Physics
Scripture: Words of Jesus
Poetry: Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
Cycle 4

Full Timeline Song
History: 24 Sentences expounding on events in our second Timeline Song (IV. The Modern Age)
Geography: Asia & Oceania
Math: Skip Counting, Measurement
Science: Human Anatomy
English: Sentences, Nouns, Verbs
Spelling: Rules 16-36
Latin: Nouns, Noun Endings, Vocabulary, Lord's Prayer
Scripture: New Testament
Poetry: Frost, Wordsworth, Dickenson